Riffing on @LexYeen 's trek/also-trek posting last night:
star trek: let's name our ships noble and good things. Enterprise. Voyager. Discovery. Stargazer.
the Culture: All our ships name themselves. So we get: Funny, It Worked Last Time. The Precise Nature Of The Catastophe. Stood Far Back When The Gravitas Was Handed Out. A Momentary Lapse Of Sanity.
star trek: We're not a military, but a peaceful exploration force.
the Culture: We really really really don't like war, and not just because we'll wipe you out if we fight you, because our technology is actually just that good.
But no seriously, we don't like war. Stop doing war. Just stop it.
star trek: hey, the Prime Directive is don't meddle with uncontacted civilizations, except when we break that for convenience.
the Culture: yeah, we have a division for that, but we also have a division who just infiltrates less-advanced civilization groups and keeps them from destroying themselves if need be. we meddle in pretty much everything.