@irisjaycomics @ComputerHusband
I still have the shirt. It is way too big, and falling apart, because it'd be old enough to vote in six months. o.o
Gods I've been doing this for a long time. o.o
@ComputerHusband @irisjaycomics
How terrible would I be if I hung it up on the wall using one of those sports-jersey frames?
@irisjaycomics @ComputerHusband
Can I live with you when my housemates inevitably evict me immediately afterwards? ;)
@irisjaycomics @ComputerHusband
Shit really? We have like, three things. Y'all should really step up, our place was TAME compared to folks we knew in California. ;)
I mean, don't get me wrong, I WANT to put up more. ;)
@indi @ComputerHusband @irisjaycomics It's not nearly as much fun as it sounds. ;)