These edibles ain't shit (Drug use, after action report)
A very delayed boost to Weed last night. Have returned safely. The following ramblings were saved to the cabin voice recorder.
"Saving for later. Rampancy as depicted is not the same as rampancy has been described.
siskorsky dove
James donio games locker. Where your video games get locked up
Keith Ethan Wainwright III. From Keep Breathing. (cont.)
These edibles ain't shit (Drug use, after action report)
Called keevner by his low borne friends he is hiding his identity from. He is the lost heir to the house of wainwright and the rightful ruler of the valion star empire.
He got lost be cause the records were destroyed. Because lineage is encoded and recorded into songs. Because songs are memorable. And usually tightly curated. Culturally speaking. (cont.)
These edibles ain't shit (Drug use, after action report)
Changing name to Soundian star empire. Because sound. That's why the show's name is Keep Breathing. Because breath is needed for song. And for signing the Wainwright family song so that it is no longer lost. Because if our song is still being sung. Then we are in a way stil berating.
Disownment is done by striking your name from the family song.
Songs are long.
These edibles ain't shit (Drug use, after action report)
How are new names added? Are there lyricist for hire?
How often are new names added?
Treedom. Tree kingdom.
Reason for treedom, treedom for wisdom, free of your reasons, reasons for reason. Reason is treason. Season for reason treason is freedom. Freedom for wisdom
Reason is breathin
Breathin the treedom. Wisdom from treedom. Wisdom is breathin
This is how high you were last night.
Remember this"
These edibles ain't shit (Drug use, after action report)
Here is the link to the Qurian hip-hop headcanon: