CW: Orthocosm, censorship, capitalism #mademethink, Engadget link
Came across this in my firehose of RSS feeds and it made me full of thinks and some sads, and I really hope that there are enough of people around my age that are taking the chance to work into the places where decisions like this were made and doing their best to change them when they can
re: CW: Orthocosm, censorship, capitalism #mademethink, Engadget link
Does anyone remember the Real Sex series on HBO? They had at least 32 episodes (I'm guessing, cause I have episodes 32 and 13) and they were a series of 1 hour multi-segment documentaries on human sexuality. Titilation was unavoidable, especially when they talked about things that are supposed to be titilating, but I feel like the intent was more on a normalization and education course. And I realized that there's probably no way something like that could be on the air. Not these days, I don't think.