Media, violence toward synthetics. The Second Renaissance
I think about the robot getting lynched/assaulted in the street with a sledgehammer and how her voice gets more and more distorted the more damage she receives a lot.
Like, probably too much. But the scene was so damn disturbing and just... too real.
And so very sad to me too. Watching her scream in an increasingly distorted voice "I'm Human! I'm human" even as her exterior shell has been broken off and she's survived several hits to her skull while her attackers and their witnesses watch, and laugh, and the bystanders do Nothing. It fucked me up when i first saw it. Still kinda does.
I dunno where I was going with this, i think I saw something Matrix related earlier andit made me dump a chunk of processed data.
Media, violence toward synthetics. The Second Renaissance
That completely tracks, and I knew the scene instantly as you were describing it.
It was highly traumatic to watch.