From Bookface: "We all know Donald Trump is preparing to rig or steal the election — but exactly how?" My Response: (CW: USpol, 45, Insulting from A to Z)
By dragging anyone who doesn't vote for him off in unmarked rental minivans and anonymous, militarized, federal officers wearing no identification; By detaining dissenters without charge in deadly conditions, guarded by fascist bullies who will use intimidation, fear, and violence against vulnerable populations with no fear of accountability or justice; By destroying evidence and paper trails; By suppressing votes; By controlling the news cycle (by being as outrageous as possible, he forces the news to cover him and his latest bullshit, not the /effects/ and injustices his latest bullshit causes, validates, and encourages;
By being himself: an arrogant, bigoted, comb-overed, degrading, embarrassing, fallacious, graceless, hollow, immature, jack-booted, lecherous, mass-murdering, nepotistic, oppressive, pestilent, quarrelsome, racist, sexist, tyrannical, unethical, vain, wrong, xenophobic, yucky, zealot of a vegetable coated in fake cheeto dust, fake tan, and fake hair.
Someone should go check where Steve Jobs is buried, because I think the Reality Distortion Field was illegally exhumed, and used to power this soulless troglodyte. Nothing else would be powerful enough.
I feel bad for his Secret Service detail.