Things I remember about Animorphs
1. My Name is: I always figured Eminem was referencing these books instead of polite name tag, and was just too attached to being hip hop to admit it.
2. The Chee.
3. Crayak is a dick
4. No. 26 The Attack is where Jake and Cassie hand Crayak a defeat unintentionally by having their first kiss.
5. I could always picture the Animorph's mall in my mind, and it always looked like Ridgedale Mall in Minnetonka, MN in my head.
6. Visser was a great fucking book. I hate the Yerks (protip, kids: space fascism sucks, cause it's still fascism.) But I was also watching a lot of Law and Order when it came out, so Court stuff was neat to me, and I remember that.