A scene from I.C.E.Breaker 1 #tellingStories
Ext: A public playground, sometime in the future. In a suburban neighborhood. The houses look the new Seattle houses except they are in landscape instead of portrait and with bioengineered moss lawns. attached garages/workshops, effecient cars that look like Priuses, CR-Zs, and actual station wagons (except the rear doors are sliding doors). One of them has pulled up to the open parking spot. The driver is standing in the open door, goofy dad grin on his face. Think Black Liam Neisen+Black Sean Bean. Tight fade haircut, unzipped hoodie, black jeans, New Balances. His name is Daniel Stark, and he's here to pick up his daughter.
"Rachel! Rachel! Time to go!
"But DADDDY-!"
"That's a negative, Angel-1. RTB, on the bounce."
"RTB, Yo kai, Sir!"
A nearby multi-height exuberance platform disgorges a young person about 6 years old from the entrance of its tallest slide, after showing her scrambling up the slide the wrong way just because she can. She crosses the small platform at the top of the tower in a single step and throws herself off the edge.