Do you think 12,433 lines of CSS is too many lines of CSS?
I sure do. ;~;
@mawr Total? For a whoel site? Maybe a little.
In a single file... egads. This is what nested import is for! *hugs and hot tea on tap*
@literorrery When they hired someone to make this site responsive, the folks doing the work decided to use the bootstrap CSS framework as a starting point... and then slowly and painfully redefined over all the CSS the bootstrap framework had established.
Then it was a garbage fire, so any changes after the fact were just added to the bottom, overriding what was there before.
So now it's 7,000 lines of overrides. /)~(\
@mawr That... is not how you refactor. Oh, mawr. Time to make a blanket fort and hide from the code base.
@mawr ...