What is going onnnn https://www.adidas.com/us/yung
This is Adidas' current website to sell some of their shoes. I feel like I'm having both a seizure and a total Geocities moment.
@indrora right? It's actually super well done, if that's the aesthetic they were going for @.@
@indrora or, well, maybe not "well done" so much as "complete, in all its horrors" :P
@makyo aye, that it did.
Eeeuhhghghghghg. Now I feel sticky and for all the wrong reasons.
@makyo The problem is they used Canvas, plus there's JS sliders.
WAAAAY too much for a 2000s PC. Needs a click-through "plugin"
@makyo Dammit. late 90's website design should never be appropriated by corporations! The whole look was based on the idea that it was DIY and not churned out of a corporate design committee. I'm a little offended by this.
@makyo wow, that is a nostalgic blast from the past feels XD
@makyo oh my god it's everything bad about mid-90s to mid-00s amateur web design
the stretched thumbnails make me physically cringe.