plurality (negative)
How much of our undifferentiated mass of blendy moonlits at front since stopping school has been due to a lack of recurring instances to apply any intentionality in the realm of our outward appearance? We don’t know who we are because there is less reason for waveforms to collapse.
What this has left us with for most of the year, though, is a vague directionless sense of existence. We’re just floating, barely being, not really living, trapped in prefab circumstance.
plurality (complicated)
Let’s repeat that one word again. Intentionality. Simply being ourselves doesn’t take effort, but allowing ourselves to relax and put aside the default expressions? Believing in more than survival, so we can feel that it’s okay to exist as ourselves in this world? That does take effort. Such things need time and space, small rituals performed and a body momentarily consecrated.