does anyone know what a fair price for resurfacing a CD is? the local game store wants 7€ which seems a bit pricey for throwing it into a polishing machine
@Jo hm, maybe, but I don't know which are good and which just scratch the disc more
@noiob Yeah, that I honestly couldn't tell you, but I've yet to come across one that has, in my experience.
@noiob Having worked at a pawn shop with one of those, it was a constant money pit. That's probably fair tbh. :p
@garpu who's "they"?
@garpu never seen one
@garpu yeah I just really don't know which ones actually work, I'm sure there's ones that just scratch up the disc more than they help
@noiob Tiiiiiny bit.
It would be way cheaper to buy a scratch remover in the long run, especially a manual model.