Matt Chapman wrote episodes of Gravity Falls?

I'm definitely gonna need to give the audio commentary a proper watch. Listen?

"There was a bit of a concern that I'm referencing the 90s, is this gonna be, by the time this airs will anyone even know what boy bands are? And I remember it came out it was like 'oh what a great spoof of One Direction!'"

At least now my ps3 is reading what I actually intended to watch today.

single layer blu-rays aren't that common are they?

@onfy kinda funny that they opted to go with two discs for the Tomb Raider 2-disc "collector's edition"

@noiob How old is it? I usually only see really old releases do that, but maybe Europe gets shittier versions?

@noiob German release is even older? This is more typical for 2010! Dual layer movies became dominant in the early 10s.

@noiob And it may or may not be an HD DVD port as well in this case. Nice.


@noiob Ah. The American release is MPEG-2 but the German release seems to be VC-1.

...what the hell!!!

@onfy Arrival isn't single-layer but they still don't have the whole movie as one file, wild
2001: A Space Odyssey puts 10GB onto a dual-layer disc

@noiob I usually see this splitting being used (particularly by Disney) for internationalization, so when the title comes up there's one file for English, French, etc... and seamless bridging is used to combine the different pieces together.

Silliest blu I've ever seen was The Polar Express, it was around 10GB iirc and the movie was VC-1. Yikes. Oh well, it's also a terrible movie...

@onfy it's the end in that case, I guess they could've done it for the credits?

@noiob Yeah, usually they have translated credits too. Also some anime uses this so they can have the credits in Japanese as well as translated to English.

@onfy most anime I've seen just doesn't care

@noiob Yeah, it really depends.

It seems like Germany is getting quite a bit of anime on blu-ray these days actually, pretty impressive.

@onfy yeah the local electronics/media store has a small shelf full of all kinds of stuff, mostly parts of box sets lol


@onfy you know what's my favorite thing about Sony-published blurays?

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0

@noiob They come with firmware updates? Wow! Thanks!

@noiob I can imagine people buying Sony blus who don't want to update their PS3 (maybe they like using linux???) and feeling severe blue balls when it won't play...

@onfy it's actually really easy to hack your PS3

@noiob Yes, in 2023.

10 years ago? Eh...

btw, apparently Tomb Raider got a new transfer in France.

@noiob It must be a hell of an upgrade on picture quality, I'd hope anyway, it's AVC and dual layer.

@noiob That's probably an improvement as well. Uh, good.

@onfy actually I'm checking my Arrival files and they don't stop before the end, I think my rip's simply bad

@noiob I jut use XReveal (sadly only for Windows) to create ISOs of everything...

Takes insane space though.

@noiob I did end up using it to copy a BD+ disc (what bastard DRM), but not transcoding still.

@onfy I should get myself a drive, actually, for now I'm just handing friends discs and microSDs

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