hey #linux users what are your thoughts on current laptops for linux (serious question)
i'm lookin at the xps 13/15, the hp spectre x360, and system76's ultrabook offering
i'd likely need to dualboot windows 10 for development on phantasy star online 2, so issues with cpu/device firmware updates aren't insurmountable issues
this is why the xps 13 is so appealing to me. it's small. it's powerful. it's sleek. and for the most part it doesn't have device issues in linux, save for the fingerprint reader, which lol who cares
the spectre x360 currently has some unresolved HDA stuff in the audio driver that makes the speakers only function in "tablet mode" meaning two of them just turn off
xps 13 developer edition is $1k usd for 8gb ram, i5-8xxxU, 256gb storage and FHD screen. it's basically guaranteed to run linux by dell. hrm.