Birbsite, Depression
I made the mistake of looking at my main birbsite feed last night and that pretty much burned all the positive energy I got over the last few days.
The plan was to go out and hang out with people and craft and stuff but now I'm just sitting at home being cold because I am too sad to put on clothes, turn on a space heater, and/or go outside.
Birbsite, Depression
*hugs offered*
Please get dressed/turn on a heater, you deserve to be warm. Then maybe you can work on summoning up the energy to do one of the things you had planned?
Birbsite, Depression
@Sparrow Thanks for *hugs*!
I did end up putting on comfy warm things, and then decided to play video games for like 4 hours straight instead of going out and hanging out with people.
Birbsite, Depression
Playing videogames for 4 hours sounds nicer than being cold and sad, though. Sometimes compromises are a good choice.
Birbsite, Depression
On the bright side I finally went and decided that maybe the three people I only keep in touch with on Twitter isn't worth staying on that damned web site for. Maybe I'll actually stop using it for good.