I love character creation tools and dress up games and wearing sexy suggestive cool clothes in MMOs. I like to make idealized versions of myself in all gender options available, then make realistic versions, then make my friends and family members.
But more than that, I love using character creation tools to create monsters. Mii Maker is awesome for this. I need more of that in my life.
The one frustrating thing about MMO character creators is that, in order to get the cool clothes, you have to spend a lot of time playing to get a wardrobe of options together. Actually, I guess that's most videogame RPGs.
MMOs are good for creating horrific monsters, though not as good as Mii Maker (eh, potayto potahto, that's probably just personal preference).
The converse is what makes Rinmaru's character creator dress-up games so awesome. Instant awesome outfits because THAT'S THE GAME