christ i get it y'all can't use atom because of memory requirements it was a joke
@Irick emacs, vi, atom, sublime, and ia writer are the ones currently contributing skin to the fight if i've been keeping track properly
Obviously the Sublime people are sinful, the Atom people are inappropriately named.the Emacs people's Operating System is confusing and vi was murdered by vim.
ed conquers all.
POSIX master race.
@typhlosion its a bit of a sore spot for people like us that literally keep getting placed outside of being able to use their computers for deveolpment... And we were talking directly to staticsafe and chosafine if we recall /who we are good friends with and have known for years/
@typhlosion I will 100% back up your Atom use, it is great and has changed my life. :D
Oh shit, it actually was Atom? I was assuming this was emacs vi holy wars.