me: cos if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it
me, holding a donut: shoulda never dated a topologist
@typhlosion *takes your donut, hands back a coffee cup* Better?
@indi >8U
@typhlosion Well, you know what they say about topologists.
A topologist is a person who can't tell their ass from a hole in the ground, but CAN tell their ass from two holes in the ground. ;)
@typhlosion I can't wait for the lewd version: Torrid Toroids
@aprrrl don't get me started on lewd toroids
@typhlosion leans forward
@aprrrl >8U
me: cos if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it
me, invisible, surrounded by wraiths: NOW WE'RE DOUBLE BROKEN UP YOU HEAR ME