Games, Arma 3
Apparently.. I AM NOW SKYNET!
Because while doing some dynamic campaign stuff to learn the game with friends.. I set up a mortar firebase on a hill near an objective and then coordinated half a dozen quadcopter drones (MY STOMPERS ALL GOT THEIR TIRES BLOWN OFF BY JERKS!) to provide (mostly) accurate, constant mortar fire and intel to support the 3 people moving on foot to the capture point.
IT WAS GLORIOUS NOW I NEED GUNSHIP DRONES but they only come with missiles and rockets
re: Games, Arma 3
then I got called SKYNET...
life goals minus the whole being a DETERMINED EXTERMINATOR.. because I like my meat friends.. even if they are fragile and squishy and would be much better if we substantially upgraded their fragile chassis and hulls..