israeli sign (and probably others too) has this....... thing, where sometimes a sentence(?) doesn't quite have a verb and subject and object and all that -- but rather just describes the positions of things in space, using a special set of handshapes that represent different kinds of objects
instead of signing "book my (is)* on table" like you would in a spoken language, you sign "book", then "table", then make a handshape as if you're holding a book (NOT the actual word/sign for "book"! just literally pretend you're PHYSICALLY HOLDING that book), and sort of act out placing your invisible book wherever in space you just signed "table" -- optionally you could also use your off-hand to be the actual table
(* both israeli sign language and spoken/written hebrew don't really use a word like "is" in this case, but english does and this post is in english)
there's no isl word/sign for "cross" as in "physically cross from one side to the other". wanna say how you crossed the road real slow? sign "road" but move your hands along an imaginary road in physical space in front of you. possibly also keep your off-hand/off-arm hanging in space to keep representing that road. then in your main hand make the handshape that looks like your fingers are walking, and move your hand reeeeeaaaal slow over the "road". while you do this physical space theater, make an exhausted face with your tongue out and your jaw slightly to the side
the sign for "traffic" is possibly lexicalized by now, but it is literally just both hands in "car" handshape (i.e not the word/sign for "car", no no -- but rather a flat hand with thumb sticking out so it sorta looks like a car) both hands next to each other moving slowly forward, with the exhausted face described above -- i.e cars next to each other moving real slow
suggesting an emoji mashup, re: sign language infodump
maybe more like 😏 eyes with 🤪 mouth