a mileage marker; cw: vague and hollow tiger grump; eminently skippable
there is a thing that i have ardently stopped caring about just now and quite suddenly and finally
it is not a person
but it is not something that will make you happier if i tell you i really have entirely stopped giving a shit about it
there is nothing i can do about it but this
so i leave this marker in the dirt
...but it's one of those "tiger markers" if you know what i mean so you might want to step around it anyhow
this is just a faintly more satisfying solution than doing nothing at all
you know -- poopin on it
sorry folks, the rain should get it in a couple days
re: a mileage marker; cw: vague and hollow tiger grump; eminently skippable
@treaclewasps i mean, it's in a general field of human endeavor i didn't care much about to start with and will be quite happy when it stops being a thing :)
re: a mileage marker; cw: vague and hollow tiger grump; eminently skippable
@zebratron2084 I hear you!
a mileage marker; cw: vague and hollow tiger grump; eminently skippable
I feel you.
And will be experiencing this in a few months.
And yes, it's no big thing, if you stop paying attention to it.
a mileage marker; cw: vague and hollow tiger grump; eminently skippable
@zebratron2084 I hope your life *will* be better for you on the other side of the marker, ultimately