uspol, PSA
Calling up MAGA legislators and hassling their switchboard operators is free, easy, and pretty much risk-free as long as you don't say anything that can be construed as a physical threat.
It will also have approximately the same impact on American fascism as a spitball, but trust me, you'll feel better. There is NO sensation in 2024 that's half as gratifying as hearing some creepy Young Republican intern stammer as they struggle to come up wtih an answer to "So I can't help noting the blatant factual error in your boss's tweet and as a Christian conservative swing voter in Michigan, I'm VERY upset over this..."
Put on your best Ned Flanders and ruin some junior armband-enthusiast's whole day. I have been doing it for SIX YEARS with no legal consequences. Just watch your mouth and (For maximum effectiveness) DON'T BREAK CHARACTER.
re: uspol, PSA
@ellyponey I should leave some of my daily round of obnoxious comments in Dale's voice. That's a good idea, thank you.