@Phorm Yeah, sorry I haven't gotten back to you about hanging out there. Saturday night get-togethers have still been getting scheduled, I guess, but I haven't seen a crowd yet and didn't wanna tag you in until I saw one. *hug* I have been watching and will continue to do so, because I would REALLY love to get something going. Life's just been... distracting lately. (Wait until you see our squatter neighbor's new "cultural monument" 🙃 )
@Phorm Darlin, seriously, I would *adore* being handed a few more places where I could find ya. <3 But I also get it if you're laying low, this is a good era for that. *hug* I wil definitely ping you if I see any action on the MUCK! <3
Yeah, I do apologize. Sincerely.
I have a lot of raw feelings about this very topic. Mostly because it has been eye opening in a very painful way.
I'm not putting my hand on the hot stove again, though. And I accept this means I'll be forgotten and discarded.
I'm slowly getting okay with that.
@Phorm So... yeah.
This is the best photo I could get without disturbing her.
Yes, those are little sports trophies adorning it. I dunno either. This is just my life now.
What the actual what? O.o
I'm not sure if this is intended to be interior decorating, a shrine, or some kind of wars against... Something.
You're not kidding! I hope things calm down and level off for you, soon. You deserve good things, and I send you all my best ❤️
Honestly, please don't worry about it in the least. There were several people who said that I would be able to find them there, but it just seems like people's lives these days isn't compatible with the MUCK experience anymore. I confess that I'm more or less in the same boat - I don't really log in that often, and work makes it a challenge. I have a lot of fault in not making the place a lot richer, and I should strive to correct that. And I sure as hell don't fault anyone else for having a lot on their plate.
I understand this is the way of things. I'm just a little miffed about "Be on Bluesky or you're worthless", which seems to be the world we live in these days. But I guess that's just something I have to adjust to.
(Also, I hope things aren't too awful with your squatter neighbor. That sounds exciting in a way that's not necessarily good! Sending you all my best <3 )