What really pisses me off is that line "is an attempt to deny." I fucking hate it, hate it, HATE IT when either side's political propaganda relies on assuming every single person who partakes in a similar act of speech has a similar motivation.
kink stuff
Oh, and I got that shit HORRIBLY several of the times I came out as a mind-control fetishist, because Certain Eager Activist Types (*coughiblamethepatriarchyblogcoughfuckyoucough*) could not even begin to imagine anybody could enjoy that kink with any motivation besides abusing and controlling women. Never mind that I'm mostly a SUB. So yeah, that kind of "you're making argument X/are in group X, therefore your motive must be Y, like all of them" shit does not sit at all well with me.
@zebratron2084 that's not even politics, ideology, or principles; it's sheer raw *tribalism*. "you are not a member of my tribe; you show cultural identifiers of being a member of the tribe I hate; therefore, I attribute all the properties of the tribe I hate to you and now have no need to actually listen to or think about anything you have to say."
been thinking a lot about social feedback/reinforcement, tribalism, and online community lately, and how much of a mess it all is nowdays. :P
@green Does it surprise you in the least that it's the Questionable Content guy that I've been talking about this whole time? :>
@zebratron2084 *sigh* nope. disappoint, yes, but I really should know better than to idealize artists I like any more... it's never worked out great in the past. >____<
I got that shit as a Christian. I got that shit as an anti-Christian. I got that shit as a furry. I got that shit as an anarchist. I am sure as not fuck putting up with that kind of lazy, simplistic thought for another round, no matter how in-line I am with the general ideology of the person who actually thought this shitpost was profound. If you really think you can assume somebody's motivations purely from the side they're taking... eh, I'm out of clever. Just fuck off and go away. :|