I cannot believe I started trusting command line programs more than GUIs. 10 year old me would say that I was nuts.
I'm doing some Switch game transfer shenanigans to a larger SD card and holy shit the Windows Explorer just feels alien to me.
rsync just looks Cool.
And I feel like it does more for data integrity than Explorer (though tbf I haven't read up on that).
Update: the original SD card is either corrupted or the readers are Just Fucking Shitty.
It did the thing of dying mid-transfer even when only reading from it, and now copying to a native SD card slot on another laptop I had.
So I now have to use either the adapter that came with my DS R4 (which is surprisingly reliable!) or my cool USB-C 3.0 hub thingy.
The worst part is that the hub's controller seems to be horrid.
Although the whole reason I jumped to using rsync is that Windows was spitting some weird errors when transferring the games on it.
Turns out the two microSD to USB adapters I had are identical as far as the kernel is concerned and they sometimes drop out or disappear mid transfer.
I just hope I haven't corrupted anything, lmao.