I sometimes remember my early childhood when I got to buy my first Totally Legal Music CDs but I had no way to play them in my room.
So I did the most logical thing and used the family Hi-Fi to record them onto tapes and listen to them on my handed down alarm clock/cassette player combo unit.
I must be one of like, five zoomers who got to do some ridiculous media fuckery like this.
remember kids: the point of the html "class" attribute is to list out the explicit formatting of every element on your webpage.
CSS was supposed to split formatting from HTML! and it did.
now instead of horrible HTML like <font size="7" color="red">, we have CSS!
So our HTML can instead look like:
<div class="size-7 color-red">
note: you'll need to include a few hundred KB of CSS libraries to make this work properly, but that's the price we have to pay for elegance
Update: the original SD card is either corrupted or the readers are Just Fucking Shitty.
It did the thing of dying mid-transfer even when only reading from it, and now copying to a native SD card slot on another laptop I had.
So I now have to use either the adapter that came with my DS R4 (which is surprisingly reliable!) or my cool USB-C 3.0 hub thingy.
The worst part is that the hub's controller seems to be horrid.
Although the whole reason I jumped to using rsync is that Windows was spitting some weird errors when transferring the games on it.
Turns out the two microSD to USB adapters I had are identical as far as the kernel is concerned and they sometimes drop out or disappear mid transfer.
I just hope I haven't corrupted anything, lmao.
I cannot believe I started trusting command line programs more than GUIs. 10 year old me would say that I was nuts.
I'm doing some Switch game transfer shenanigans to a larger SD card and holy shit the Windows Explorer just feels alien to me.
rsync just looks Cool.
And I feel like it does more for data integrity than Explorer (though tbf I haven't read up on that).
my understanding of the history of "hidpi" is that apple released monitors that had exactly twice the dimensions, which is a concept that makes coherent sense. then everyone else went "what a great idea, let's do that too", but they wanted to do it a lot cheaper, so they said "what if we had a pixel ratio of 1.33", which are clearly the ravings of a lunatic. so now you can go from 1080p to 1440p and either your screen gets /smaller/ or everything looks just a little bit fucked up everywhere
It also refuses to let me enable only 5 or 2.4. It's both or nothing.
Thing is, if I do some HTML fuckery in the settings page, it's a valid config, and the AP indeed only has the 5GHz band enabled.
I hate consumer networking equipment. So goddamn much.
Sorry, 160. But still, what the fuck?!
I can see the activity LEDs flash on or off as SOON as I click the damn button.
Is there such a thing as a 5GHz only Access Point / Range Extender thingy?
I bought a D-Link router that has Wireless and its options are absolute bullshit. I cannot enable ONLY the Wi-Fi.
If I do I cannot manage anything else and its stupid IP addressing creates another subnet and if I manually change it, it clashes with the existing router/DHCP server.
It also takes 180 (!) seconds to apply settings like disabling WAN.
Fucking hell, man.
cringetober 06: neko
variant: feline-faced katt
always thought it was a strange design choice to make every beast race in Breath of Fire have burly animal men and waify human-faced women. i'm here to fix that
22 | programmer + linux user | también hablo español | twitter social-hopper