HRT, Trans stuff (-)
Every time I read about someone else's experience on HRT, I feel like either something must be wrong with my own HRT, or else I must be a fake.
When I started HRT, I didn't suddenly feel a mental rejuvenation. My depression is as strong today as it was nearly two years ago before I started. I haven't had any significant alterations to my ability to cry. Body hair is unchanged. Facial hair is unchanged.
I'm on a decently high dose of estradiol. My hormone levels are in nominal transfeminine ranges last they were checked.
I don't know.
Maybe I've been wrong this whole time.
re: HRT, Trans stuff (-)
@Phorm have you checked with pictures on some of this stuff? It's verrrry gradual. I would have told you my body hair was about the same time I found an old picture and went "...nevermind."
re: HRT, Trans stuff (-)
@Phorm laser cannon that shit!
facial hair is where hrt does the least. it's weird
re: HRT, Trans stuff (-)
I need to destroy it all with lasers, it's true. I've been looking into that, though it's been a challenge because the nearest locations are quite a ways away. But still, worth it, you are correct.