Late night feels dump (~?)
Crying, not sure if they're sad or happy tears but hey.
I know I've been... an emotional mess lately, honestly. I'm trying to hold it all together.
Thank you, friends and acquaintances on the fediverse. I love you.
Good night, or good morning.
I hope this monday gives you some joy.
I plan on doing the final step of getting my driver's license fully renewed and hopefully drawing something cute. Or lewd. Or both. Maybe more than just one thing.
Late night feels dump (+, but like some death talk )
But you know what. At some level "what does not kill you makes you stronger" is true. Every one of those scars I have is a sadness I've pulled out of.
Cancer tried to kill me, It failed and I went from thinking I was a boy who just tried to exist to a girl taking hold of her life.
Depression, fuck you. You won't kill me.
The scars are battles I may have lost, but this is a war I will win.
Late night feels dump (~ okay done)
@Draekos Goodnight, friend :)
Late night feels dump (~ okay done)
@Draekos I'm so proud of you for being here, for existing with all your scars and letting them mark your past while not depriving you of your future. Its taken a lot of strength to get here. You're doing amazing. 💙
Late night feels dump (~ okay done)
Alright, hand is shaking again. Going to dry some tears and try to lay down. I need sleep.
Good night fediverse. I love you.
Thank you for being strong for me when I couldn't. I only hope I can help others in the future as you've helped me in the past.
❤️ ❤️
Finally, goodnight.