health, meds, stuff (-)
Don't mind me just crying after calling for refills and setting up appointments to see a psych and my GP again now that I have my car back.
Hopefully the psych doesn't cancel on me. again.
Hoping to maybe talk about something other than the SSRI I've been on for a few weeks now. I'm not sure I feel better but I'm way for fucking apathetic.
re: health, meds, stuff (-, trying really hard to not be self diagnosy but kinda hard not to?)
@Draekos Self-dx is valid.
You are valid.
re: health, meds, stuff (-, trying really hard to not be self diagnosy but kinda hard not to?)
@orrery thank you <3 it's something I still struggle with because I'm scared of like... appropriating others' struggles without them "really" being mine?
eitehr way. Thank you.
re: health, meds, stuff (-)
@Motodrachen if you've got suggestions for better sleep or ability to focus, I'm all ears
re: health, meds, stuff (-, trying really hard to not be self diagnosy but kinda hard not to?)
Like... every post I see about how life is with ADHD seems deeply honestly relatable. People I know diagnosed with it have commented I probably have it.
I've constantly used coffee/energy drinks as more of a mood stabilizer than as a cure to drowsiness... which a therapist told me is a sign I may have it.
Like. I don't want to say "yes I have ADHD" but it seems really likely and I kinda wish I could actually focus enough to be working right now instead of sobbing and feeling like a failure because I burned all my fucking spoons on cleaning my bird's cage and 2 fucking phonecalls that took less than 5 minutes and godsfucking hell I want to just feel competent and like I have real value to myself again.