How to ADHD. (mh -)
- get really involved at the start of something awesome that happens every couple weeks
- maintain involvement in that thing for a long while
- get distracted from it by other stuff twice in a row
- forget about it the next couple times
- try to resume
- get dragged away once more
- expect to return to it next time
- continually forget to do the thing until it's too late
- give up until years later when reminded that a big anniversary of the start of the thing is coming up
- plan to be there
- get dragged away by other stuff
- give up
- but not really because the brain never lets go of a thing one could maybe attend next time
- forget about it again
- repeat until dead
re: How to ADHD. (mh -)
But, on a happier note: Congrats on ten years, @zx3 – I'm genuinely glad you've kept it going for this long! Sorry I wasn't there last night. You know how it is.