@dzuk@a.weirder.earth @typhlosion
Oh, it's you! Still, big kudoos to you!
@typhlosion Mhm! Good that recently used emojis work similiar like on telegram, even if I wont use it much. Thx for help!
@typhlosion Still, scrolling through all of them takes a while, so it's still plenty of emojis
@typhlosion Yes...
I am not a smart man XD
@AnubysIshtar Thx! Props to the artist!
Dude, my GF is the definition of cute, and cute art. I wanna send a drawing of her, but all of her latest ones have me in it... I need to ask her to draw herself by herself from time to time xD
Just wanted to send this art my GF commisioned a while back, because its so damn well made andiwannaboastaboutittoooopsimeanWHAT
I hope that's okay! xP
@typhlosion Gotcha gotcha, thank you!
@typhlosion I mainly like how quick, and visible everything is. You have everything you need on one computer screen. Good design. I worry I wont exactly stick here, due to being busy with uni and acting stuff, but maybe I'll drop in from time to time. We'll see
🇵🇱 🇪🇺
Uhm... I'm 19 y/o, aspiring actor/vocalist that is currently studying economy...yes...
I'd say I am a caring, ambitious, lazy-ish, learned optimist and a bit chaotic at times