re: question about video game terminology
and especially where the *fuck* does that je-/ge- prefix come from because everything else we can either guess from context or have already had explained to us but for some reason the fact that that prefix is there and either no one knows why or no one will tell us why is *incredibly* frustrating right now
re: question about video game terminology
@yaodema yes and i hate it
re: question about video game terminology
@Felthry do they also say Kappa and Poggers because this is upsetting
re: question about video game terminology
@yaodema we've encountered people who do, but not any we regularly watch (not that we watch many streams or stream recordings in general)
re: question about video game terminology
@yaodema also of note: this wasn't even in the context of twitch, these things are leaking off of twitch and i hate it
re: question about video game terminology
@Felthry wait, people say this out loud? oh dear.