politics in general 

why do people have to be so... hateful


re: politics in general, uspol 

also why do people have to be so *obsessed* with the idea that there's some kind of conspiracy against them and/or their favored politician

was reading something about why the impeachment stuff is only happening *now* instead of months or years ago but instead it's just someone talking about how it's all some kind of conspiracy against 45 and *actually claiming that the things 45 is doing are normal* (no. they are absolutely not. even if they were, they absolutely should not be.)

re: politics in general, uspol 

@Felthry it's not a conspiracy, but impeaching Trump only on his dealings with Ukraine is kinda telling that presidents nowadays can do pretty much anything within the US without consequences. He, during his term, has committed numerous inhumane, let alone impeachable actions. After Obama walked away unpunished for locking up kids in cages, and Trump getting impeached on other grounds than that, it shows that the Democrats and the greater political class

re: politics in general, uspol 

@Felthry only care when they themselves are attacked, and nothing else.

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