Gogo from Final Fantasy V and VI certainly has some fashion sense
i'm not sure if it's a good or bad fashion sense but it's *definitely* a look
@Felthry this feels like, you know how all those old white marble statues used to painted? and not only painted, but garish as fuck because the romans had no taste and access to every pigment in the world
he feels like that.
@lioness There were also some medieval fashions that would be seen as quite garish today, i think! they might be based on that
I dunno i think it's kind of a good look? but kind of a bad look? they're a strange sort of person
@lioness also is it he for gogo? i forgot, i thought their pronouns were never given
@Felthry beats me, never played those games
@lioness i'm pretty sure gogo's pronouns and gender are never known to the rest of the party (or possibly gogo themself, which, relatable)
@Felthry Being a Mime means you're just extra fashionable!