capitalism and getting all worked up
I feel like I'm just a week away from totally losing it and like, living in the sewers for the rest of my life, screaming 24/7
Like, I know I get carried away about the hypercommercialism. but i think it's the fact that you can't. fucking. stop. for *five minutes* without springing some executive's plan to extract money from you
i just want a SECOND of my life in which money is irrelevant and nobody's trying to manipulate me
capitalism and getting all worked up
the fastest way for me to spiral is to stop and really ask myself what the hell it would actually TAKE for me to be able to stand near a few trees without any man-made structure in sight.
the biggest horror of space billboards to me is the fact that it's INEVITABLE, because the people with power are using said power to find any second of life that's okay and ripping it apart in search of profit
how much longer will it be free to get a letter without an ad
capitalism and getting all worked up
and again, it doesn't necessarily feel like i'm like, particularly neurotic or easy to wind up, as much as it's like, if you were hiccuping for years, you eventually start *losing it*
i've been trying to cut down on screens and it helps, but if your life depended on not being exposed to an advertisement for a full week - how would you find a rock to hide under? if you sat in bed staring at the ceiling, are you gonna overhear the radio in the next apartment
re: capitalism and getting all worked up
@heatherhorns about the only ads we're still exposed to are junk mail and junk email we haven't yet gotten around to unsubscribing
and the occasional spam phone call but we don't get a ton of those