SFW but clothes-less furry art 

@Proxy@snouts.online you look like a mew

Flora boosted

@Flora I love how you texted me to ask the code for this emoji, knowing I'd know it off the top of my head. :possum_rawr:📱

Sometimes I show a toot/tweet to @Nurbs to talk me out of od sending it. I'm still heard but I don't have to make someone's day worse.

I’m kinda in a “done with life mood”. Just tired of being alive. Not suicidal or anything, just want relief from my own mind for a bit. I guess I just need some good drugs or something.

Bunny picture 

@AzureHusky this is a good creature. Please supply more bun pictures when they are available.

And you could have it all 

@AzureHusky This should be a thing. PM me when your schedule gets a little less crazy (I Know how busy you always are) <3

And you could have it all 

@AzureHusky You are my favourite you know.

@XerTheSquirrel Could you trap that signal and backtrack when it happens?

Flora boosted

I was denied my fortune by sports!!!

Flora boosted

I'm sick of these globalist metric units of binary data. Down with bytes and megabytes, up with the imperial system: thynks (6 bits), chonks (15 thynks), blawbs (600 chonks), and brayns (11 blawbs)

Flora boosted

~ * ~ boost this to protect your timeline ~ * ~

@electroCutie confirmed. Nice to see cloud friendo again.

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Awoo Space

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