OC Rambling
All of the below characters exist in a continuity developed by @/ThingQuail@/computerfairi.es and I, though a ton of it is their work. They exist in a sort of... not-quite-Hell/afterlife space that used to be horrible but underwent a big revolution and change of management.
It's now Very Queer and a sort of eternal place of Being Given Room to Breathe. Not idyllic, not perfect, but a place where you're free to Be and Find Yourself.
OC Rambling
There's a few common threads to their designs:
- They're dogs, though not necessarily specific breeds.
- They have some overly bright color in a suitable Edgy Sparkledog way.
- They have miscellaneous demon-y features.
- They carry deathsigns - some minor or major physical mark of the way in which they died before the demonification happened.
OC Rambling
This is Withers. She only sort of exists in this continuity.
Hell didn't work for her. She fought her way out, carved a niche in a reality adjacent, and started a career as a Summonable Ritual Combatant. Or, put more playfully, a Boss Fight for Hire.
On the surface she's distant, a product of isolation and security issues. At heart, she's the overaggressive big sister who clocks the people bullying you. A good friend, if a hard-earned one.
OC Rambling
By this point and time she's fully embraced the Boss Fight theming, to the degree that her summoning altars have an arrangement of stones, candles, and chalk that incidentally look like arcade cabinet controls. Her payments for service are rendered in essence-infused quarters, too.
Oh, and right. She goes all in on genre-themed outfits, too.
OC Rambling, minor gore
@datastains i love her!!!
OC Rambling, minor gore
Aaaa thank you!!