@idesofmerch no, I will NOT beat my sword into a ploughshare, but you could convince me to turn my spear into a pruning hook, maybe,
@daylight yea
@daylight not even, it was like, casually holding it while walking someplace
@daylight the way they were holding the weapon by its long blade was appealling
@caff@queer.af @daylight youre... right actually, fuck
@daylight lvoe gapp y
@daylight metal gear re:vengeance, the hit new chain email
@FragileVal would u like a swedish meatball sir
@daylight on second thought i regret not misreading it as alfredo
@daylight i misread albedo as libido
Hi! I'm Valora | Otter Pop | Sociable Disaster Gay | Poly Pan Trans Demigirl | 🔞Adults Only Pls🔞