Re: The whisper campaign against Vedia
I have seen Vedia at her worst, the idea that she will find ways to harass you constantly is a hilarious falsehood that is really not worth entertaining. This whole narrative depends on the abject refusal to talk things out after an altercation with her, and letting the ill-feelings fester instead of working to heal wounds.
She plucked me out of the AltFurry pipeline when I was at my worst, and, along with Deotasdevil and a few key members in my family, rehabilitated me back into leftist spaces. For her to give up on you and call you out, you'd have to fuck up considerably more than I did, and I don't know many people who fucked up more than I did.
I refused to throw my girlfriend Helel under the bus when her ex was turning all mutuals against her. I will not abandon Vedia because you decided to spread lashon hara about her, this is my daughter you're talking about. I will sooner be pushed to suicide than abandon family.