Phillipine Pol
I pissed my dad off by calling out how he's been feeding into the media attack dogs going after Paquiao for calling out the Duterte administration for corruption.
He kept going on about needing proof, and I shut him down by pointing out that Duterte never had that undue pressure to verify his claims when he was in power, and also that the people he killed won't come back to life after Duterte's gone, and that the damage he's done to the economy of the Phillipines, or the legislative violence he's enacted against victims of drug abuse, communists and muslims didn't go away just because he's gone.
I finished by telling him that I hope that Duterte and his lackeys get hanged like the nazis did in Nuremberg and that he should be ashamed of himself for letting himself get caught up in all that political conspiracy theory BS.
re: Phillipine Pol
Honestly, I have little patience for whataboutism when he talks about how all politicians are corrupt. He's feeding into pro Duterte propaganda by feeding into attacking Duterte's political rivals.
This is no difference to when fascists in America attack Joe Biden, simply for being Trump's political opponent.