satisfactory, videogames
This looks like a game I will play, but I'm not digging the "strip mine the planet for resources" aesthetic promoted by the trailer:
I think I'm going to use it to simulate solarpunk and augmented/hybridized nature builds to see how those pan out.
re: satisfactory, videogames, real recycling and solarpunk projects
I play a lot of games that focus on optimizing resource harvesting/extraction. Lately, I've been much more interested in "builds that take just enough" and give back to the simulation than builds that optimize on maximum strip mining rates.
I guess it's a good way to tinker with how these builds might work in practice -- and I kind of translate it into real projects around the house here, including our solar panel, 3D print, and plant projects.
I guess I never mentioned that we now have the ability to recycle plastics entirely on our own here at home, powered by the sun. I should document that sometime.