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boys: slugs and snails and puppy dog trails

girls: sugar and spice and everything nice

enbies: power, tenderness and everything genderless

Goldkin boosted

the difference between an engineer and witch:
- an engineer knows that if a part is designed for one purpose, it won't work well in others
- a witch knows that "what it was made for" is always a subset of "what it can do"

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Goldkin boosted

PSA for Washington State Cannabis Users 

Due to a state-wide "emergency ban" of flavored vape cartridges by executive order of Governor Jay Inslee[1], Have a Heart cannabis shops are selling flavored vape carts at a 30% discount and plan to pull them from their shelves as of Tuesday the 8th. I can't speak for other Cannabis shops in the area but suspect you'll find similar situations.


Goldkin boosted

video game randomizers (+) 

I’ve been picking at a few other randomizers lately for exercise time. Currently working through OoT randomizer, with a plan to try Metroid Prime rando next.

Current seed I’ve been trying across several sessions put bombs, Zelda’s lullaby, and the adult’s wallet deep into the Gerudo desert, forcing me to route in all the shortcuts in the game.

Apparently I remembered those and most of the caves under rocks everywhere, despite not playing this game for many years?

goose game, honk take 

The goose is an incarnation of one or more trickster gods, and no one can convince me otherwise.

fft: war of the lions, minimal spoilers 

tl;dr: I’ve learned to greatly appreciate robot wars as a genre of videogame.

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fft: war of the lions, minimal spoilers 

Most interesting is how it selects from the pool of available buffs and debuffs.

The War of the Lions build of the AI seems to consider the balance of opposing units when selecting spells that mitigate physical and magical damage. It’ll also selectively go for Haste, Slow, and Immobilize if that outcompetes KOing a unit outright. Which all is way more nuanced than I ever expected the AI to be when I first played it.

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fft: war of the lions, minimal spoilers 

The AI sees _way_ more creative solutions to damage and crowd control than I do, but it can easily get caught in loops with the wrong strategy (ie, units hiding in a corner healing themselves forever).

There are also a few skills the AI will _always_ go for (ie, how it considers skills involving the charm status) that I had to prevent units from learning entirely.

Building around that has been an interesting challenge.

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fft: war of the lions, minimal spoilers 

Picking up my old iOS copy and, it actually got better with age.

Back when I ran this on its original build, I meticulously moved all of my units. Spent literal days grinding and micromanaging my party.

Now? I’ve learned how the AI works, and I’m building a party to see how far I can take autoplay.

Under manual control, everyone was a healer with Raise. Under AI control, everyone is instead a DPS, with the ability to end encounters in under three rounds.

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Having games on the Xerox Alto (holy cow, I got to play about on an Xerox Alto---what a beautiful high-res screen and text for 1973!) seems like a waste when I could be doing WYSIWYG DTP on hardware a decade older than me.

Goldkin boosted

Finally found a solution to intermittent connectivity loss with Bluetooth pointing devices in Mac OS X 

And it was as simple as unchecking the "Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices" checkbox in the "General" tab in System Preferences.

I've been so frustrated by this bug for literal years and now it's just gone and my computering life is so much better!

Sharing this here in hopes of making other days better, too. ❤️

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Goldkin boosted

The most important lesson we can learn from Ghost in the Shell is to turn off your unused interfaces.

There's no reason to accept unexpected ad-hoc radio connections, parse every piece of barcode encoded data on your field of vision or process every audio data burst within earshot. That will get your cyberbrain hijacked.

An organized cyborg is a safe cyborg.

archiving history, uspol 

A habit I’ve gotten into the past three years: whenever a major development happens, I buy the local papers and put them in my fire safe.

Mostly so, when my niece and nephew ask us what these times were like in 10-20 years, I can pull the stack back out of the safe.

mario kart tour (+/-), capitalism 

I applaud their creativity in being evil (read: I don’t), but I think I’ll stick to Distance and learning how to go fast in games that don’t directly convert my time into profit.

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mario kart tour (+/-) 

+: Mario Kart Tour is an actually good racing game that I could keep playing for awhile. They converted it to mobile format surprisingly well, and it’s responsive and fun to play.

-: But it capitalizes on my skill at the game to push other players to spend gobs of real money, and I’m _really_ uncomfortable with that?


For folks asking about bats here: we do have a healthy bat population nearby, but I’m not 100% sure the gnawing on our apples in the tree are from them (young raccoons are also possible, as are squirrels that can’t reach the entire apple).

So, unconfirmed, but if anyone would like to look at the nibble patterns, I’d find that interesting!

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Our hummingbird feeder is now feeding the entire forest, at about 4-6oz per day (!!). We’ve brought them reinforcements (two new feeders) to last them through the coming winter.

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We managed to salvage about a dozen apples from the tree this year. The rest were eaten by our woodland birds, bats, and squirrels, and we are entirely okay with this.

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