I think I'll use &🐦 after the final sentence of a post to mark it for crossposting. Arbitrary but people will figure out what it means if I do it often. &🐦
@konomikitten I mean I usually run i3-gaps with picom on it, I recently tried a minimal install without a wm.
@konomikitten Well, i3-gaps with picom has been running pretty good on it. That's more just a window manager tho.
Twitter is getting long-form posts with rich text, shame Mastodon doesn't have that feature
Ya know what? I'm a little too smooth brained for the void linux installer at the moment. I'll just use KDE neon for a while and then try to make something like it in arch.
College student ⭐ I'm about to start drawing (hopefully) quite frequently
⭐ Born 1999 ⭐ UTC-7