Welp today turned out to be a total and complete wash. Whole weekend actually. Friday was at least halfway decent as I got to go see the new Sonic movie and enjoy a sushi lunch but the other half of Friday was mostly derailed due to an emergency run I had to deal with (which I've had to do at least once every single weekend for the past 4 weeks now...) Saturday wasn't terrible, but dealing with family is usually pretty exhausting for me, especially when I'm already at pre-burnout stages.
So any hope for relaxation at all this weekend is now officially gone. And with my birthday plans in the air pending approval for time off at work, I have absolutely no idea when I'm going to have ANY kind of stress free weekend. I am so freaking burnt out with 4 weeks of zero reprieve, and potentially up to 4 more weeks of the same...
One thing is for sure though; as soon as I can get a 4 day weekend set up I am fucking off somewhere nobody can find me or get ahold of me and just relaxing the entire time.