Items that are commonly ingested or chewed by humans for their taste or nutritional value but which may also be used for other purposes are generally treated as food or food ingredients.

(This important message was made possible by the Washington State Legislature:

@Kistaro ... just browsing that page made my eyes cross. o____O


@green I just find it hilarious watching a team of bureaucrats try to formally define what "food, but not, like, cooked food" means, because they take something that can be expressed very easily to almost anyone ("food, but not, like, cooked food") and cannot express it in less than ten pages of... that

@Kistaro yeah, legal wrangling is *painful*. one of the reasons I decided not to pursue court reporting was spending A WEEK listening to arbitration over a construction dispute. hours and HOURS of "exactly how much lumber was there" and "exactly what consistency was the concrete before it was poured" and "exactly when was this particular section agreed to be completed" and "exactly" was LIKE SERIOUSLY EXACTLY. oh my goooooodddddd

@Kistaro that wasn't the worst one, either, it's just the one that sticks in my head for sheer eye-crossing brain-cheesing tedium. by the end of it I wanted to set everything on fire. o________o

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