GOOD NEWS: real world footwear has FINALLY caught up with Second Life
It learns
It writes
But do not fret
AI can’t take
Your ad job yet
relationships, -
It doesn’t matter how desperately people love each other when they are terrible for each others’ mental health.
It doesn’t matter how unsustainable a relationship is, it always hurts to end it, especially after so many years.
Or something like that. I wish we had found some sort of path that worked. But we searched for years and the problems we couldn’t solve only got worse.
I spent the day traipsing around trails with my parents in a park near Stevens Pass, which we'd visited also when they were here eight years ago. Today wasn't perfect, but it was good, and there was a lot of important discussion about chronic anxiety (and how it runs in the family dramatically worse than I thought), emotions, co-dependent behavior, and the weird problems we've all made for ourselves that we don't really know how to solve.
They're treating me much more like an adult now.
My parents visited and I spent a few hours talking about the emotional and relationship problems I have today that trace back to the lack of socialization, narrow emotional range, and codependent behavior I was faced with growing up.
They agreed that these things were harmful, they see how it affected me and they wish they’d done things differently, and they’re dealing with many of the same issues because it wasn’t healthy for them either and they’re glad I’m figuring it out 25 years faster.
FFS leave #facebook
Facebook Says InfoWars, Which Reported That NASA Has a Slave Colony on Mars, Is a Valid Source of “Opinion and Analysis”
cannabis, family, ~
Preparing for my parents to visit this weekend included buying a safe and now I’m moving my obvious weed paraphernalia into it because it’s not that my mother has no respect for boundaries and privacy, it’s just that she has never seen anything wrong with idly going through drawers and shelves and cabinets when visiting family so I needed something with a lock on it.
My parents treated me way better than a lot of what I hear but I still have some issues to deal with
today’s mood:
Important medical research that should probably be taken seriously by stressed people (a.k.a. everyone in capitalism):
« That $35 that scientific journals charge you to read a paper goes 100% to the publisher, 0% to the authors. If you just email us to ask for our papers, we are allowed to send them to you for free, and we will be genuinely delighted to do so. »
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Chameleonic dragon. Otherkin. Some kind of eclectic neo-Pagan. Sie/hir or they/them. Software engineer. Seattle-esque, WA. Expect software takes, complaints about the tech industry, board games, video games, an inexplicably obsession with paper notebooks despite my handwriting, and Weird Furry Stuff.