#GetOnOurLawn it's OK to use the public timelines of Mastodon to reach out to strangers, in fact this may be better than replying to boosts because they're specifically expecting some random interaction, and it's one of the things that makes Mastodon instances feel like communities, when everyone is sharing that space. If you want to keep things friends-only, the post privacy settings allow for that.
sexuality thoughts, ambivalent
Sexually, I prefer cock, attached to someone who has a species identity that is other-than-human and ideally (but not necessarily) a gender identity that is other-than-binary. The species identity part is the only part of this preference that has been observably inflexible so far.
I feel really guilty for having a strong and defined preference about anatomy and I don’t know how to deal with that guilt.
The advantage of using 3.5x5.5 48-page notebooklets for work notes: they’re small enough that I can just have one for each subproject and not worry about wasting pages, and they’re not so long that they’re miserable to scan on a flatbed in their entirety when they’re full, and filling up provides a natural “stop and scan me” point when I procrastinate when using larger notebooks.
I am a slut for Field Notes is most of what I’m saying I think.
mh, -
I’m not as co-dependent as I once was but I still don’t really understand how not to fear other people’s emotions and fear making things worse when I have emotions or needs of my own.
I’m afraid of how much damage I can do by not really solving problems and just trying to comfort people instead. I’ve already left a pretty big trail of wreckage behind me.
mh, relationships, --
yaaay, now I'm all upset and stressed over the very poor mental health of someone who cut off contact in part because of my inappropriate attempts to manage their mental health, and I am afraid they're being ignored and the people I think I can reach out to are apparently asleep or unavailable, and I have no idea what the fuck to do.
accessibility, autism, sensory differences, UK (+)
A supermarket chain in the UK (Morrisons) is introducing 'Quieter Hours' in their stores.
For an hour every Saturday, the background music is turned off, other ambient sounds are made quieter and the lighting is dimmed to make shopping more comfortable for those on the autism spectrum.
Dave Lawrence trained a neural net to generate new names of BBC sound effects. Some of my favorites:
Approach of piglets
Footsteps on ice, ponderous, parakeets
Fairgrounds: Ghost train ride with swords
Man punting metal hand
Waterfall into cattle bread
dragons, food, overwhelmingly cute art, aliensite link
I propose new #Hearthstone slang:
Leethal - n. Game-ending face damage pertaining to Leeroy Jenkins in-hand.
Example: “if I went face I would have Leethal next turn but then I’d just die to Leethal and this is a mirror match, so I better trade”
(Context: i won a game with Leethal after playing around a possible Leeroy from my opponent - which was necessary, not for Leeroy Jenkins, but their last-card Doomguard instead)
Chameleonic dragon. Otherkin. Some kind of eclectic neo-Pagan. Sie/hir or they/them. Software engineer. Seattle-esque, WA. Expect software takes, complaints about the tech industry, board games, video games, an inexplicably obsession with paper notebooks despite my handwriting, and Weird Furry Stuff.