I’m really liking Mind Control Tech in Odd Paladin; it singlehandedly turns around occasional games against Cubelock and Even Paladin. It’s not reliable, but it doesn’t have to be reliable to observably improve my win rate compared to the card I slotted out for it (whichever that 1/1 with Divine Shield but not Taunt is). #hearthstone
You are allowed to do stuff just because you want to.
Even if it uses up all your spoons/matches.
Even if it leaves your exhausted and broken the next day.
Even if you need to let other stuff slide a bit while you recover.
You are allowed to have fun, to go out, to take a day once in a while and do what you want with it.
Being #disabled, or #chronicallyill, or a #parent, etc doesn't mean you can't take time for you.
(I needed to hear this today, so I figured other folks might too.)
Mosaic 1.0 released 1993
You can still get an updated version (unsupported) at http://www.floodgap.com/retrotech/machten/mosaic/
I miss when dragon forums were more argumentative. I feels like there's pressure now to agree with everyone or you are a terribly evil monster, and there was less of that culture in the early '00s. I'm looking at it through rose-tinted glasses but I miss substantial parts of that; modern social media requires keeping up with exactly what is or isn't acceptable and has low tolerance for error.
Anyway, I'm figuring out what to do with grumpydragons.social now that I own it. Announcement later.
Are semi-focused midrange decks in #Hearthstone typically better than super-focused synergistic decks? “Stuff I threw together with one good idea and a bunch of backup plans for doing damage” keeps winning against pro-level netdecks - and I keep winning with them and losing with the netdecks even though I’m not really any better with the card play of my own decks
My messy Spectral Dagger / Mistwraith / burgle deck is working absurdly better than netdecked Odd Paladin. What am I missing about Odd Paladin? Does it just not work at rank 19 because of the higher number of taunts in decks created by less experienced players (making them better against Odd Paladin)? Am I just getting Odd Paladin totally wrong? #hearthstone
More #Hearthstone #Witchwood theorycrafting: I modified a Miracle Rogue deck to try to exploit Mistwraith instead and it's doing much better than I can really account for. I'm still trying to refine it - I honestly don't know what to take out to put in a second copy of Deadly Poison (rarely a premium card, I know) or Elven Minstrel (which has typically done much less than it feels like it needs to, so maybe that's what goes *out* instead).
Chameleonic dragon. Otherkin. Some kind of eclectic neo-Pagan. Sie/hir or they/them. Software engineer. Seattle-esque, WA. Expect software takes, complaints about the tech industry, board games, video games, an inexplicably obsession with paper notebooks despite my handwriting, and Weird Furry Stuff.