Kit boosted


$10 for 6 very queer books, featuring new works by returning authors and self-publishing debuts.

From sweet to spicy, from short stories to full-length novels—there's gonna be something in here you'll like. Thanks for your support! ^^

Kit boosted

The moon appeared inside the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower, in breach of the Olympic Brand Guide.

Kit boosted

hey did you know utah has launched a snitch line for trans ppl sighted in bathrooms

do not under any circumstances submit a false report to this form ;) #utah #trans

edit: in the hypothetical situation that you would do so anyway, please be advised that all contact info is optional

be safe

edit2: link has moved

Kit boosted


Hey everyone, my household is in a bit of a bind after my roommate's car insurance company charged her chequing account when she wasn't expecting it and precipitated domino overdraft effect. She's been holding her own with a pizza delivery job, but these overdraft fees and the shortened month have really put a pinch on our budget

her paypal is at

Any donation or boost is appreciated!


Hey everyone, my household is in a bit of a bind after my roommate's car insurance company charged her chequing account when she wasn't expecting it and precipitated domino overdraft effect. She's been holding her own with a pizza delivery job, but these overdraft fees and the shortened month have really put a pinch on our budget

her paypal is at

Any donation or boost is appreciated!

Kit boosted

Somebody just referred to capybaras as "guinea bigs" and I don't know what to do with this information.

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here is a video where everything goes according to plan

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minimalism is a scam invented by big small to sell more less

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Kit boosted
Kit boosted

Fascinating both for what it says about dev & what it says about statistics:

A gamedev realized Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports.

Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply *more likely to file bugs*.

Their conclusion: A linux port pays for itself bc it nerdsnipes ppl into giving u free QA

Kit boosted

When two patterns collide and a third one's inside, it's a moiré 🎶

Kit boosted

need mutual aid, urgent, please boost 

Every month on unemployment is making things harder. Staying in my apartment is becoming less and less viable over the months, and at this point I fully rely on mutual aid to help me get through this. I can move back to my parents but my boyfriend (who contributes as much as he can) might struggle finding a place to live and doesn’t have a safe family to go back to.

I’m still looking for jobs. Refusals are piling but I’m going strong. I’ve ramped up sending my CV even to things I’m overqualified for in the hopes of landing _something_ that will pay more than unemployment. I’ve also sent it to highly paid things I’m slightly underqualified for just in case they might want to consider anyway.

I haven’t paid rent yet this month. I’m prioritizing food because I don’t want to starve, but if I don’t pay rent it’s going to backfire. I badly need your help, please.

I would need at least 700€ to fill up my allowed overdraft + pay rent + bills + debt + stay comfortable with food for the rest of the month.

Any amount helps, even single-digit donations are appreciated. And if you really can’t then a boost for this post to reach more.
If paypal doesn’t work for you but you still want to give, please reach out.

Thanks :heart_sp_nb:

Kit boosted
Kit boosted

tonight my wife and I are gonna dive into VOID STRANGER and solve some sokobon mysteries!!
see you around 8pm eastern-ish at :D

Kit boosted

Per TTC CEO Rick Leary’s latest report, the TTC has a shortage of space to store its growing streetcar fleet so they’ve decided to… just keep more streetcars in service overnight in lieu of parking them in a yard somewhere. Radical thinking.

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Kit boosted

All cats are bisexual: why else would they sit in such weird positions?

#LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Queer #Bisexual #Cats #CatsOfMastodon

Kit boosted

I'm a little late getting started today, but going live with some more J.B. Harold: Murder Club! Will today be it? Will we finally catch the murderer? Let's find out!

Kit boosted
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