Oh my God you can get it as a framed print https://store.theonion.com/products/sickos-cartoon-framed-print
A magus resurrects the Norse god Loki and challenges him to invent a weapon that will drive his enemies to madness. Loki surveys the world and produces the single possible object most anathemic to the functioning of the modern mind: A fitted sheet that actually only has three corners, so you're just repeatedly re-stretching it across the mattress thinking you've rotated wrong
@BathysphereHat Tusky was Good Enough when I looked into it a year or two ago
@Elizabeth yes, but its error messages are kinda bad if you've set up 2FA on the account and things don't go perfectly
Hey everyone, me and my boyfriend @Stereoscopic need to replace our bed as soon as possible. We are both heavy so we need a sturdy, high end bed that will last us long and allow us to sleep well, as the poor quality of our sleep currently has a negative effect on our health and well-being.
We cannot afford such an expense by ourselves just now so we are making a PayPal pool if people want to help us. Please consider helping if you can!
Boosts appreciated.
@puppy you dork
Fuck. I know it's emergency stuff and I'm fucked without a phone but I really don't like soliciting donations for personal stuff.
Still, anything helps https://paypal.me/ElizabethWetton
re: transphobic slur
@Elizabeth grossss
Your friendly neighbourhood enby